Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Romania. Faculty of Economics and Business Administration +040 232 201035

Main Content


 The Jean Monnet Module EU Resilience Digital Skills project proposes an integrative approach to the issue of quality and accessibility to education in the European space by promoting courses for bachelor and master students, who will acquire knowledge specific to the field of European integration studies on the labour market by using skills and digital skills. 

Through the project we aim to create a Summer School that will include two modules that will develop the skills of the participants in European integration studies by combining the specific theoretical issues with a series of digital games through which the theoretically accumulated knowledge will be put into practice through managerial simulation game and debate game with the aim of responding to current socio-economic challenges.


To bring off summer schools for the entire duration of the project with two modules of European Integration and decision-making simulation through which the participants will be trained on the use of theoretical elements in simulated practice with the aim of identifying and adapting different educational strategies to the training needs of the new generations of future European citizens.  


Training of practical skills for students both through simulation games and through collaboration within this form of education with participants integrated in the labour market with the aim of putting together different digital and experiential skills of each involved party, for an adapted education process the requirements of employers in the European Union.  


Designing/carrying out studies on decision-making and learning styles, generated by the theoretical-practical approach stimulated by participation in a business games activity and analysing the differences in specific approach to people employed with experience in the labour market and digital native students and masters.  


Realization during the implementation of the project of conferences, workshops, webinars, and site to promote the purpose and objectives of Jean Monnet Actions in the field of higher education, training and policy debate in order to combine the theoretical experience of teaching staff with the practical experiences of participants from the business environment necessary to adapt the educational system to the needs of the European labour market.  

May 2024